Dept of Global Communications,
United Nations, New York.

“I listened to Ruchi’s speech at the United Nations
where she got a standing ovation.
What an inspiring and moving experience!!
I have had the privilege at the United Nations to listen to many people, world leaders; but very few people have moved me the way she has.
She gave a testimony at the united nations where everyone was in awe with her capacity to move people and engage. As a United Nations official, I feel that I am a much better person because of her testimony. I have no doubt that she will continue to inspire millions of people.”

Award-Winning Journalist,
MBE (Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire)
“I heard Ruchi Singh speak at the Emerging Peace Leaders Summit in Bangkok,
the United Nations.
I was deeply impressed. I hear a lot of speakers in my profession.
She is an incredibly powerful speaker. She has great courage.
She got a standing ovation. 450 young people stood up from all over the world. She shared her story in a dynamic way but also showed her vulnerability.”

Head HR,
Bank of New York Mellon, India
“Ruchi is a natural leader.
Her ability to persuade, influence, and collaborate with multiple key players in the organization was an asset to the HR team. Ruchi excelled as the Head of recruitment for two Aviva centres.
Her leadership capability, her ability to break complex issues into achievable targets, her ability to collaborate with multiple teams lead to her success in transitioning and harmonizing the recruitment process across 5 offshore Aviva BU.
Ruchi was awarded the Leadership Excellence award for her work. Ruchi was brilliant as an HR professional and I am happy to see her success in her new role as an International Speaker and mentor.”

Broadcast Journalist | Ghana |
Fusaid Women’s Conference
“Ruchi Singh was the keynote speaker for the Annual Fusaid Women’s Conference against Domestic Violence and violence against women 2019.
She is a powerful speaker who holds the audience with her oratory skills. Her speech was a great combination of domestic violence awareness and the power we have to rise above our challenges and transform our lives.
She inspires & gives hope to countless people by sharing her story of courage and now leads others to show courage and create a happy and meaningful life for themselves.”

Award-Winning Author,
Convener -The Peace Agenda Summit
“She exudes resilience, Her confidence shames violence.
She radiates cordiality, goodwill, brilliance, creativity, friendship… Here’s an example of a doubtless personification of outstanding leadership.
Having listened to and watched her speak, I saw a mentor who strengthens the weak.
She also spoke at The Peace Agenda Summit, About “World Peace Starts With Me & Four Ways to Achieve it.” Whom am I commending for these great things?
None other than the remarkable Ruchi Singh!”

United Nations Center Digital Representative
“Ruchi Singh was a keynote speaker for the 2020 Peace Summit of Emerging Leaders, UN Bangkok.
She shared techniques for sustainable inner change as a way to produce peace within and worldwide, which I have been using on a daily basis since then.
Her eloquence is very impressive. She has such a positive impact on her audience that it automatically brings inspiration to everyone who listens to her.”

Creative Consultant Hollywood Health & Society|Award Winning Filmmaker
“Ruchi and I connected when I directed a
documentary on domestic violence.
Her story is inspiring & I wanted others to get a
glimpse of her courage as well.
She is what I call a ‘Vulnerably brave’ woman who today through her voice, is reaching out to those who have lost theirs.
It’s been an honour knowing her.”

Founder-WOMAN TV/Founder Women Entrepreneurs Helpline
“We had the privilege of having Ruchi Singh as the opening keynote speaker for Woman TV’s, Woman Talks series.
I can confidently say that Ruchi Singh is truly a Power Woman of today’s era. She is extremely professional. Once she says yes, Ruchi is an absolute team player.
As a speaker, Ruchi is one of the best speakers I have ever heard.
Ruchi captures the audience attention from the word go.
She has apt charisma. She is also a curious mix of power and vulnerability which connects with the audience.
We had 100% positive feedback from our audience on Ruchi’s speech.
My wishes are with her now and always!”

Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies.
“Ruchi is an erudite speaker who speaks with passion and from the heart.
Your true character emerges when you are at your lowest in life.
Instead of succumbing, Ruchi fought like a true warrior and emerged victorious, making a mark. She is a role model to millions. She has shown the way as to how adversity can be turned into victory.
Her achievements and recognitions, including those
by the UN, are an inspiration to millions.
She epitomizes the phrase, ” If you will, you can. Nothing is impossible. Have courage”
Her alma mater, Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies (SIMS), is proud of Ruchi and rejoices in her success and achievements.”

AVP Deutsche Bank
“I had the privilege of listening to Ruchi Singh as a keynote speaker at AnitaB.org and Woman TV.
It was a startling and powerful performance. The reason I say startling is because her appearance is very soft.
However, when Ruchi starts speaking she is power personified. Her story is extremely powerful, courageous and inspiring.
Just listening to her is like a masterclass in communication. On both occasions, there was a pin drop silence. I went to the Woman TV event just to hear Ruchi speak again.
This time I was noticing the audience. Like the AnitaB event, no one in the audience moved till the time she was speaking.
Ruchi makes the audience want to raise themselves to the next level.”

Teacher, Trainer, Mediator, Peace building BYU, Hawaii
“I heard Ruchi Speak at the United Nations, Bangkok.
I found it enlightening. I found it insightful.
Some of the things I took away was the idea of courage.
The idea that Courage is needed in peacebuilding.
As peacebuilding practitioners, as academicians to step out of our comfort zones and do something that is out of the ordinary takes courage.
That speaks to us of overcoming our fears.
We must recognize that we must have the courage to have peace in the world.”

Communications Specialist at Humanitarian Affairs Asia
“Ruchi is inspiring audiences around the world with her passion for empowering and motivating youth.
Her presentation at the Peace Summit of Emerging Leaders at the United Nations Conference Centre in Bangkok made an incredible impact on our young leaders of the future.
Her energy and experiences will move you both in mind, in body and in the heart. I was engaged from beginning to end.”

Global Accounting head, Maersk
“Ruchi was the closing keynote speaker at the Women Change Makers
back to work event.
Her story influenced me. She underscored the fact that the boundaries we set for our selves are often only in our mind. It is up to us to recognize them and look to move ahead of them.
It is possible and she demonstrated that through her own personal story.”

Assistant Professor, Dept of Political Science, BYU, Hawai
“I had the opportunity to listen to Ruchi Singh’s speech at the United Nations Summit for Emerging Leaders.
She was engaging. She was an outstanding speaker. It’s cliched to say that I laughed and I cried but its true.
Parts of the speech were very touching, very moving that showed a tremendous amount of courage.
Other parts were funny, it was interactive.
The other people who listened got to move around and get involved.
She not only inspired us to get out there and work to make the world a little bit of a better place. She gave us some techniques that were helpful.
I wish everyone can have the opportunity of hearing her speak.”